Monday, December 14, 2009

2012 - Armageddon?

No, I'm not bored. Hallelujah! Hmm...what shall my post be about this time? (a rhetorical question meant to inflict interest, hope its working!) A couple of days back, I watched the new disaster movie, 2012. On that note, my post is going to be about the end of the world (I assure you, I'm not crazy, just read on). As we walked out of the movie theatre, a friend posed a question that lingered in my mind. 'Do you think the world is really going to end in 2012?' I felt a dual sensation unlike any other. At that very moment, two very contrast emotions were running through my veins - sarcasm and fear. My head was telling me that it was all a hoax. My gut was telling my head not to be such a smart ass (FYI, no part of my anatomy can actually talk). Then, it hit me. Did it really matter? Shouldn't I be living each day like my last regardless of the circumstances? That's when I re-discovered my bucket list:

My Bucket List
1)Go to a concert
2)Learn to ride a bike (not a motorbike, just an ordinary bike, yes, I don't know how to ride a bike, no one's perfect, right?)
3)Learn to play guitar
4)Publish a magazine
5)Meet the man of my dreams
6)Watch the sunset on the beach
7)Visit the 7 wonders of the world
8)Publish a book
9)Compose a song
10)Meet David Cook

'Even if the world ends tomorrow, I would still plant my apple tree.' Something I learnt off a bookmark (best two bucks I've ever spent). I say, even if the world ends in 2012, I'd still learn to ride a bike. Right now, I'm listening to Live Like We're Dying by Kris Allen. Coincidence? Maybe. All I know is that I don't want to think about 2012 in 2009. Or in 2010 or 2011. I'll live my life in the present, thank you very much. And if the world doesn't end in 2012, I'll still have a bucket list to complete. If it does though, at least I had a bucket list :)

P.S: You couldn't have possibly thought that I would end this post without mentioning the movie that inspired it? I liked 2012 (good special effects + I'm a John Cusack fan). You may like it, you may not. It depends on what genre you're into. If you do choose to watch the movie, my advice - appreciate the special effects and John Cusack but leave your thoughts about Armageddon behind on your way out (but not your ticket stubs, please don't litter).

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Twilight Phenomenon

Once again I find myself bored. Once again I have no idea what to post about and yet I'm here. Alright, let's see, since I started the blog on a random note, I suppose on the grounds of superstition, I should continue the tradition. I was reading the Twilight e-book so let's start there. Unless you've been living under a rock, chances are you've heard of Twilight. Twilight, first of the four best selling, smash hit installments, revolves around the lives of Bella, Edward and Jacob (alright I admit, I'm only in the 3rd chapter but I did watch the movie which was based on the book). As the book garnered more and more popularity, it was decided that the timing was right to invest in making this book come to life on the big screen. So, the ultimate question was, who were the ones fit for the roles? In the end, the trio was chosen - Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan, Rob Pattinson as Edward Cullen and Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black. I've watched the movie and have both my thumbs up for it (for those who choose to roll your eyes on this note, I'm a sucker for romantic movies aka chick flicks and I take great pride in it! Kleenex included). I haven't decided whether I'm on team Edward or team Jacob. While on one hand I'm intrigued by the mysterious Edward Cullen, I can't help but have a soft spot for Jacob merely because he upholds my opinion of love. I've always perceived falling in love to be something that doesn't just happens in a fraction of a second but over time. I believe love's like a puzzle, when you discover something new about a special someone, its like having a piece of the puzzle. Love happens when all the pieces fit. The only difference is the difficulty level of the puzzle - easy, intermediate, hard and complex. Who said life's fair, right?

Twi-hards have fallen in love with these larger than life characters but no one has forgotten about the actors who portray them. On this note, I genuinely think Robert Pattinson did a good job in Twilight. Yes, once you can see beyond the fact that he probably wears more make-up than his female co-stars put together, you can see that he does have a charm to him. A charm that without a doubt Edward Cullen possesses. He has subtle expressions that emphasizes Edward's mysterious edge and body language that screams 'I have a secret and you will never know'.

Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with me, fact is Twilight is currently an international phenomenon and no short of it. And for this entire post, it even helped me get over my boredom. So, thank you Twilight. I guess I should go finish the book, huh?

Dying of Boredom?

I used to think that the phrase 'dying of boredom' was overused and cliche. So, if I told you that I'm on the verge of dying of boredom, I think you get the picture of how bored I actually am! Moping around the house, hoping to find something to do, I bumped into my computer. And here I am. Aimlessly, I started surfing the net, and wah-lah, I stumbled upon blogger. Mid-way through my first post, I realized that I didn't know what to write about. Give me a break, I got caught up in the spur of the moment. Emm...well, I'm listening to David Cook's Declaration. On that random note, I guess my first post is about music. I'm an Idol fan so naturally some of my favorite singers are Idol proteges. Top in the list is without a doubt David Cook (Note: No offense to die-hard David Archuleta fans). I recently (by recently I mean less than 24 hours ago) purchased his self-titled debut album. I am against self-titling (I looked the word up and yes, it doesn't exist but on the grounds of being at a lack of words, don't judge me) albums, merely because it seems almost vain, but I made an exception for my favorite Idol winner. And I have to say, it was worth it. I think no matter what genre you're into, there's a song on this CD for you. Motivated? Try Declaration (Note: Yes, I was listening to Declaration but don't be so quick to assume I'm motivated. I'm definitely bored. It's just the first song on the CD). Left-out? Go for Life On the Moon. Love drunk? Fill your lovey-dovey ears with Come Back to Me. As big of a David Cook fan as I am (really big actually, meeting him is on my Bucket List at number 10), I can't listen to his album 24/7. So, let's move on, shall we? Emm...eureka! Michael Buble! I know, the 2 are world's apart but there's no international blogging rule against that, is there? No, seriously, is there? Oh, well, I'll just take the risk. Some say he's the present day's Sinatra. Some say, he brings old-school back effortlessly. Either way, he's amazingly talented. His jazz inspired music can make you shake to the beat (yes, even if you have 2 left feet, ask me!) or even cry your eyeballs out. I first discovered him on YouTube with his rendition of the well-known theme song of the Spiderman cartoons way back when. He gave the song the edge it needed for you to forget about the tights and spider webs and concentrate solely on his pipes. I couldn't get the song out of my head for ages! So, I started looking him up (actors I google, singers I YouTube, gulp, since when has YouTube become a verb?). Soon enough (to be exact, after Call Me Irresponsible, That's Life, Home, Sway, Feeling Good and Everything) I was in love with the guy! Now, his new single, Haven't Met You Yet, is climbing the charts and for good reason! It's infectiously addictive. Despite the fact that David Cook and Michael Buble are like chalk and cheese (music wise, personally, I wouldn't know), they do have one thing in common. Both bring back tasteful music in an era of meaningless rhymes and emotionally detached music. I'm at the end of my post and I'm proud to say I feel much less bored than when I started. So, thanks!