Monday, December 14, 2009

2012 - Armageddon?

No, I'm not bored. Hallelujah! Hmm...what shall my post be about this time? (a rhetorical question meant to inflict interest, hope its working!) A couple of days back, I watched the new disaster movie, 2012. On that note, my post is going to be about the end of the world (I assure you, I'm not crazy, just read on). As we walked out of the movie theatre, a friend posed a question that lingered in my mind. 'Do you think the world is really going to end in 2012?' I felt a dual sensation unlike any other. At that very moment, two very contrast emotions were running through my veins - sarcasm and fear. My head was telling me that it was all a hoax. My gut was telling my head not to be such a smart ass (FYI, no part of my anatomy can actually talk). Then, it hit me. Did it really matter? Shouldn't I be living each day like my last regardless of the circumstances? That's when I re-discovered my bucket list:

My Bucket List
1)Go to a concert
2)Learn to ride a bike (not a motorbike, just an ordinary bike, yes, I don't know how to ride a bike, no one's perfect, right?)
3)Learn to play guitar
4)Publish a magazine
5)Meet the man of my dreams
6)Watch the sunset on the beach
7)Visit the 7 wonders of the world
8)Publish a book
9)Compose a song
10)Meet David Cook

'Even if the world ends tomorrow, I would still plant my apple tree.' Something I learnt off a bookmark (best two bucks I've ever spent). I say, even if the world ends in 2012, I'd still learn to ride a bike. Right now, I'm listening to Live Like We're Dying by Kris Allen. Coincidence? Maybe. All I know is that I don't want to think about 2012 in 2009. Or in 2010 or 2011. I'll live my life in the present, thank you very much. And if the world doesn't end in 2012, I'll still have a bucket list to complete. If it does though, at least I had a bucket list :)

P.S: You couldn't have possibly thought that I would end this post without mentioning the movie that inspired it? I liked 2012 (good special effects + I'm a John Cusack fan). You may like it, you may not. It depends on what genre you're into. If you do choose to watch the movie, my advice - appreciate the special effects and John Cusack but leave your thoughts about Armageddon behind on your way out (but not your ticket stubs, please don't litter).

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